Wednesday, 3 October 2012

no more excuses

Shamefully living up to the new name of the blog (work shy) recently. Since finishing my degree i've not been photographing much at all , a sort of lull after the storm. I now need some focus to drive me to make photographs. For many people, photographing is no effort at all, and they're right, you just press a button, what could be easier than that?

It is this aspect which makes it challenging. Especially with the dawn of digital imaging and the ubiquitous mobile phone camera. Everything has been photographed and continues to be photographed, adding to the wasteland of images which already exists, clogging up hard drives and gathering dust in lofts all over the country, even the world. So for me the question is, how to make something worthwhile? I beat myself up about this, I am hard on myself about what I deem to be good. But to produce  something interesting, there needs to be something to hold the attention, and to pose a question.  

All I know is that I am drawn to the light, and the way light changes.  

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

who are you?

Been a while since I posted on here. So I thought with finishing my degree I could get back to bothering people I don't know and taking their photograph. This nice chap I met in Jam cafe/record shop in Falmouth at the top of town. Good coffee nice people and good music. I do miss living in Falmouth .. maybe I'll move back soon .. I hope so anyway. 

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Never be alone again

we'll never be alone again

The collection of photo's on the last post were a bit shit, to be frank. I'd been looking at Wolfgang Tillmans work and listening to one of his lectures. He talked about the way images can work together and about the physical quality of the printed picture. I think I got hung up on the bit about images working together, rather than realising it was more about the physicality working in correlation with collections of images. A different context adding to the meaning like the gallery space or in a book I suppose?

I get side tracked . These are some other images I have made for the project about becoming a father (for the first time). I seem to be concentrating on my girlfriend rather than myself. She say she doesn't mind me photographing her, It's hard to photograph yourself I suppose. I've asked Ruth to take my photograph leading up to the birth... she's taken a couple but she's got other things on her mind, other than taking photo's of me looking confused or worried with a furrowed brow.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

never be alone ..

I've been trying to keep on top of getting films processed and scanned for my new project, and at the same time continuing photographing, its been hard not having colour film processors in the town I'm living in. It sort of stops the flow and I get a back log of unprocessed films. Anyway I am still working out my methodology and what to focus on to create a narrative. At the moment I seem to be taking a lot of photo's of ruth. Only 10 days till our baby is due. Exciting times.

Friday, 9 March 2012

i''l be your mirror

Never be alone again

I know the colours are all a bit out... but thats not what its about.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Never be alone again.

Never be alone again.

Never be alone again...Hopefully the start of regular blog posts

my final year studying at plymouth and this is to be my final major project. I have got a title to some how construct a narrative around. this is a better place than i was with the last project, i only really pulled something together in the last 2 weeks.

Anyway ... its a project that attempts to show my experience of becoming a parent for the first time and the relationship between me and Ruth.

i have been trying to figure out how to photograph this in a way that isn't too literal.... using lots of different camera's but not really getting anywhere.? this is one of the only images I'm into... there's just something about it.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Witness to a wedding

It has been a while since the last post.... This seems to be becoming a regular start to my blog posts of late, oh well ...I'll try to start some new posts soon.

In the meantime I just thought I'd put some images of a wedding I shot last week with my good friend Adam Pedley. It was Adam's tattooist and friend Lorraine who got married to Matt. We were the only witnesses and guests ... a surreal experience, but a good one. I don't own a digital SLR at the moment so I just had to use my medium format Pentax 67!