Wednesday, 7 December 2011

untitled still.

i keep returning to this partially cleared forest behind my house, photographing my surroundings in response to the subjective phenomenon of feeling at home or belonging to a place which i have no known connection with.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Its been a while...

I have been meaning to post some new work on my blog but with pressures of my 3rd year in higher education, poor planning and preparation on my behalf I have failed to do so. I continue to produce work I'm not fully in to or happy with, I think it is due to the amount of self analysis and questioning that is involved with a photography degree, with that in mind I have found that I may be catagorised into the pigeon hole of a photographic phenomenolgist, a flaneur. I strive to capture personally significant, yet transient moments which stand as a metaphor something that is larger than what is actually represented in the moment when the shutter was pressed.confused? i am .... but i like it.

Monday, 24 October 2011

one image a week

As a result of entering in to my 3rd year of studying photography i have been the victim of thinking and over thinking about everything i must do. By attempting to constrain what i photograph i have ended up struggling to enjoy taking and making photos. I went out the night before last with the objective of photographing some people in the evening light. I went to Par beach , with no success .. all the people down there were dog walkers and they didn't seem right for me. then I went to Carlyon bay, its a beach that if you look out to sea its beautiful, but if you face the other way.... the land is scarred with a half completed Luxury development halted by a recession and local opposition.

Monday, 17 October 2011

shared experience. a walk in the woods. an image a week.

I am struggling to attach meaning to the many photographs I take. I have zeroed in on the shared experience of feeling a need to be outside.... that is not dependent on wether the sun is shining or not. But just to feel what is happening outside rain, wind, sun .... and treat them all the same. its a tough one really i just like taking photographs and the process of explaining what you just do naturally is not natural to me at the moment.

Monday, 10 October 2011

making the most of it.

Even when it rains i want to be outside. When I went for a walk I found some people who feel the same way.

hasselblad 501 kodak portra 400

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

grey and green

Pentax 67 105mm 2.4f lens with Fuji Reala 100

not exactly a photo a week

Getting back into walking and finding places I feel a connection with. Its little wonder I still feel closest to a sense of place when i'm by the sea. it doesn't matter where i am in the world , if i get to the coast it feels like a weight is lifted, as i make it to the edge of the land. The people who share this are people i want to photograph. i met this man at Carlyon bay on the outskirts of
St. Austell, i didn't ask why he'd made a flag but i complemented him on it and he simply replied he'd just"knocked it up" .

Thursday, 8 September 2011

yashica-d vs hasselblad 501c

i decided to put it to the test my old faithful yashica tlr vs my new hasselblad 501... so i used both on the shoot with terry to compare them... in the Hass i used new kodak portra 400 and the yashica it was fuji reala 100 ... not exactly a fair comparison but i've been doubting my new cvamera and was thinking of selling it. just because i probably only bought it for the label.

i've realised i need to shoot the hassleblad on a tripod for best results... the shutter so powerful it vibrates the camera in your hand.

the yashica is a bit hazy in comparison but that adds to its charm.